Jessica Teixeira

Feb 12, 20232 min

The Self-Care Studio - Beltane Oracle Giveaway

This post contains affiliate links. No purchase is necessary to enter the giveaway below.

You may have noticed a new domain name and we're now officially housed under I've spent the last few weeks updating things and I'm just about finished. I'm so excited and wanted to celebrate with something that gives that same energy!

I think I could find at least one reason to celebrate and embrace any season as it approaches. One of my favorite things about transitioning from Winter to Spring is how our surroundings literally begin to blossom, grow, and rebirth from their period of rest. We share in this cycle and Imbolc is our invitation to begin preparations for change.

The Seasons of the Witch Beltane Oracle deck was created by two of my favorite authors, Lorriane Anderson and Juliet Diaz. The enchanting watercolor illustrations by Giada Rose are mesmerizing and thought-invoking. It is a very special deck to use any time of the year you feel is right for you.

What are oracle decks?

Just in case you don't already have practice using them, Oracle cards are a powerful tool for tapping into your intuition and finding guidance through inner-self dialogue. They help foster honesty where we may be experiencing hindrances and self-support where we may not have external support, feel ready, or desire to share with others.

✨ favorite things about this deck ✨

🌟gilded card edges

🌟beautifully illustrated guidebook in full color

🌟intentional and inspiring invocations and imagery

🌟magical + earthly images that cultivate nature-focused healing

think of spring erupting in your soul...
suddenly, everything feels new and more colorful
and is spreading as far as the eye can see.

— Lorriane & Juliet

Even if you don't win this oracle deck, I highly recommend checking out both authors whenever you're looking to add to your self-care resources.

I've also listed some of my favorite books, divination, and podcasts in no special order below that I've turned to over the years on the topic of nature and self-care. All pathways to elevate healing the root.

🌲Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness by Dr. Qing Li

🍁AFoot and Lighthearted: A Journal for Mindful Walking by Bonnie Smith Whitehouse

🍄Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz

🎙️Highest Self Podcast with Sahara Rose

🔮Awakened Soul Oracle by Ethony

Ultimately, getting closer to nature and healing is one of the reasons why we relocated. We took the scenic drive westward one weekend after we'd been house-browsing along the coast and moved a month later!

This state is usually known for its popular beaches but I'm always stunned by some of the beautiful places we've trail hiked so far. I try to bring my camera wherever I go to keep a visual hold of some of these memories, like this one below from a recent trip to a local park, and I get that same energy using this oracle deck.

Scott Springs Park

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giveaway ends 3/13/23

Winnings can only be shipped to U.S. addresses.
