Jessica Teixeira

May 16, 20203 min

Practicing Gratitude

Practicing gratitude isn't about "grinning and bearing it". It's about appreciating the things that already make up your reality. It can be a grounding experience. Taking the focus off of "more" and shifting it to "thank you" is a gift of self-love that can be given over and over again.

Showing appreciation for what I already have is my fastest rescue line for getting out of a funk, shifting myself from a bad mood, and just genuinely stopping to take a moment to realize what I'm truly grateful for.

These past few weeks have been hellish on my emotions and psyche. There are so many uncertainties that my Virgo logic does not want lingering but they aren't all necessarily within my control so I was finding myself in constant "What if?" mode. "What if my kids have to do this grueling distanced learning again next school year?" What if I don't start packing our house up in enough time to move in a few weeks?" "What if I need to cut back on my work hours again?" "What if I'm not up for all this sh*t that's hanging in the air?" I wasn't happy with all these things that seem to now be plaguing my daily thoughts and emotions.

It's not a fun place to be.

So, I asked myself, "What if I don't have all the answers to these questions?" And I realized that I don't. I also realized that is okay. Practicing gratitude brings me back to a state of my reality. I thrive from this place because I appreciate everything I have in my life. And it all continues to work out for my highest good.

Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude allows you to take a deeper dive into the levels of happiness you experience in your reality.

Guided/Un-Guided Journaling - Writing is in my soul and I naturally love putting pen to paper. If I'm feeling lost I'll jump into one of my guided journal books with some fun gel or calligraphy pens. My favorite books are the ones you don't have to do in order. You can just turn to a page that resonates with you and dive in.

If I'm in a funk I'll grab a blank journal and work it out. I typically list a few things that I'm grateful for in spite of the issue that I'm currently facing.

Taking a break - We are home, like most other sane people during this time, more often than not so taking a break to be alone with my thoughts, read a chapter of a book, listen to a podcast episode, or just be with myself is a must. Time apart gives everyone a little perspective and the space to feel.

Being Present - This is so hard but so rewarding! Being present is something rarely done with all the constant pings, whirrs, and other notifications that can interrupt a moment. When I want or need to stay present I mute my phone. It's so simple but it works! It is highly likely that there are numerous times of the day that I'm just not going to miss anything except for what's going on right in front of me because I'm distracted by what's happening on my phone.

These are just a few of the ways I practice gratitude and hope you find them helpful.

Closing out this post with a gratitude mantra below. Enjoy!

Gratitude Mantra
